Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Dunya

Salam alaik,

Busynyer saakella!! MasyaAllah, laa haula wala quwwata illa billah..

Nak menangis sibuk gaya ni. Ya Allah, dunia ni memang penat kan? Bila nak rehat ni.. Akh Iman Syafiq dah rehat dah.. tapi dia dah buat sehabis baek.. aku?


Dunia.. indah sangat~

How beautiful, is this worldly life
But not a soul shall remain
We've all come into this world
Only to leave it one day
I can see that everything around me
Rises then fades away
Life is just a passing moment
Nothing is meant to stay, oh

Tapi ia ada akhirnya..

This worldly life has an end
And it's then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It's just a bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever

Kita ni hanyalah seorang musafir..
yang akan pulang ke destinasi yang sebenar..

This life is just a journey
And it's taking me back to You

Dan kerana nak 'pulang' tu, kena usaha sehabis baik..
Sebab nak pulang ke tempat yang terindah..


Ya Allah, aku dengan segala kehinaan yang ada padaku,
Aku memohon syurgaMu..

This life is just a journey 
And it's taking me back to You

Mudahkanlah segala urusankku ya Allah~
dan berkatilah..